BYU-BYU-View is a novel interface realized with the symbiosis of the input/output of wind and the computer graphics. "BYU-BYU" is a japanese onomatopoeia for a howling wind. It adds a new element, that is, "wind", to the direct interaction with a user and a virtual environment, and the communication through a network, by integrating the graphic presentation with the input and output of wind on a special screen.
澤田枝里香, 淡路達人, 森下圭介, 古川正紘, 有賀友恒, 木村秀俊, 藤井智子, 武市隆太, 清水紀芳, 井田信也, 常盤拓司, 杉本麻樹, 稲見昌彦, 風を利用した入出力インタフェース:ビュー・ビュー・View, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 第13 巻第1 号, pp.375-383, 2008