Stop Motion Goggle

Stop Motion Goggle (SMG) expands visual perception by al- lowing users to perceive visual information selectively through a high speed shutter. In this system, the user can easily ob- serve not only periodic rotational motion such as rotating fans or wheels, but also random motion like bouncing balls. In this research, we developed SMG and evaluated the effect of SMG on visual perception of high speed moving objects. Furthermore this paper describes users’ behaviors under the expanded visual experience.


Naoya Koizumi, Nagaya Naohisa, Masahiro Furukawa, Maki Sugimoto and Masahiko Inami, "Stop Motion Goggle: Augmented visual perception by subtraction method using high speed liquid crystal", March 8th, Thursday, 2012
小泉直也 (慶應義塾大学),永谷直久 (東北大学),古川正紘,杉本麻樹,稲見昌彦 (慶應義塾大学), 異なる周波数で制御された高速シャッターによる視知覚への影響, 第17回バーチャルリアリティ学会論文集, pp419 - 422 (慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス, 2012年9月14日)

永谷直久, 上間裕二, 古川正紘, 杉本麻樹, 稲見昌彦, Stop Motion Goggle:高速液晶シャッタを用いた視知覚の拡張, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol 53, No. 4, pp. 1319 – 1327, 2012
